Welcome to IDPF NFT!
We are delighted to introduce the website of IDPF NFTa platform breakthrough that merges the art, the metaverse and the technology blockchain to provide you a unique experience both in the virtual world as in the physical.
IDPF NFT it is the heart of the International Fair Art Metaverse, where are exhibited the most outstanding works of renowned artists selected by the public. These works have been transformed into NFT (Tokens Non-Expendable), which gives them a unique value and non-transferable in the digital world.
Our exposure is not only limited to the metaverse: we are also proud to present a physical exhibition in El barrio's Artspace in New York, as part of the prestigious exhibition April In Color. This means that works that you admire in the metaverse are to be appreciated and enjoyed in the real world.
But IDPF NFT it goes beyond the mere display. We are committed to supporting the artists selected by the public. For this reason, we promote and market their NFT, allowing their creations to reach a global audience and generate income for them. When you purchase an NFT in IDPF, you're not only getting a piece of digital art only, but you're also supporting them directly to the artists and to be part of this exciting showcase of art.
Join us on IDPF NFT and immerse yourself in a universe where art, technology and community are woven together in an innovative way. It explores, collects and supports the art of the future today!