Sergio Omar Bossio – Argentina
The work of Sergio
More about his work: Men and machines
More about the writer
Sergio Omar Bossio
Since the beginning of time, the man knew finite in a world that it became ever larger. Type of loneliness is, in some sense, also known accompanied, as have those who read us puts us in the world and it makes us belong.
What, then, is loneliness a shelter before the hustle and bustle earthly? Do we seek to escape the crowd and find ourselves? As you go through the text, the author seeks answers from its place in the cosmos, as it transits its universes imaginary. The everyday, the silence, and your reality monotonous that leads him to invent worlds in which to escape our world.
If we stay close, we'll see that we are a point, not only we, but all of... Everything. It is at that point where they happen all the adventures and misadventures that make us who we are.
If we look forward, we will see our diminutive size, behind, the infinite that surrounds us.
The author says: "we are star dust", that just means that we exist with the universe... that we were, we are and will be something more than mindless automatons. We belong to what has been and something of who we are today will be part of what will be, in an endless circle.
Perhaps, the author seeks to warn us that we are inevitably connected with the Whole, which, with a yawn in the afternoon of the Rinconada, a volcano furious explodes, or a tree blooms or someone is born.
The space is silence immeasurable, as the silence of the people by the naps. What is different from the silence sidereal one of the Rinconada, or maybe it is this closeness more poetic?
The infinite is a silence, a look, a perfume, the dreams, and universes that are shared everyday.
Fernando Roberto Chinellato