International Fair Art Metaverse 2023
The International Fair Art Metaverse 2023 invites you to take part in an exciting virtual exhibition of art and literature in a 3D environment within the metaverse.
Certificacion de artistas destacados
Certificados de los Artistas seleccionados como los más destacados en la exposición física de la Feria Internacional Arte Metaverso 2024 en la sede de El Barrio’s Artspace en la ciudad de New York. Dichos certificados están respaldados por Acta Curatorial No 00004062024 asentada en las instalaciones por las partes organizadoras, la cual reposa en los archivos histórico de las entidades implicadas y consta la realización de la exposición.
- Abigail Landin
- Alejandro Duran
- Aleksandra Ogórkiewicz
- Betty Younes
- Carina Ianni
- Ernesto Ríos Rocha
- Edwin Salgado Villarreal
- Giovanna Pat Seville
- Guadalupe Alderete
- Héctor Gualim
- Heriam Dario Vilches
- Jessica Tambor
- José Luis Pena
- Juan Carlos Barahona
- Karime Younes
- Leticia Marotta Ferrari
- Linda De Sousa
- Manuel Heredia Vite
- Mary Esther Zanatta
- Mónica Nolasco
- Nyree Stevens
- Patzy Lezama
- Raúl Domínguez Serret
- Sergio Omar Bossio
- Tathyana Aguilar
- Thomas Poblete
- Veronica Padilla
- Victoria Márquez
- Walter Campoverde
We give a special certification for the outstanding work done and which certifies as the First Curator of International Virtual-To:
We hereby certify to the following personalities as the first International Artists, Virtual Metaverse in the world.
- Adriana Bourgeois
- Adriana Maria Novello
- Adriana Silva Baudeyens
- Alejandra R Barneau.
- Alejandro Rafael Durán Aguilar
- Aleksandra Ogórkiewicz
- Amanda DeLuca Azerine
- Amelia Leonor Zara
- Andrea Garcia
- Andrea Machado
- Benjamin Swatez
- Berenice Soto
- Betty Younes
- Bety Gonzalez
- Bezeredy Melinda Barwanietz.
- Camila V Cordoba
- Carla Espinosa
- Carlos Garrido Chalen
- Carlos Gualo
- Carlos Pagan
- Cesar Augusto Rincon
- Clara Pechansky
- Clarice Panitz
- Claudia Marinsalta
- Claudia Sarce
- Cristina Ojeda
- Danny Arias
- Eduarte of Jesus Gamez Brock
- Elena Bresba
- Emilia Calderon de la Garza
- Ernesto Kahan
- Wake Minervino
- Etelvina Angle.
- Eva Rivers Rocha
- Felipe Drago
- Fernando Molina Acosta
- Fernando Ortiz
- Gabriela Roldán
- Gina Trejo Castañeda
- Giovanna Seville
- Gisela Bonenti
- Gladis Meneses Lesmes
- Graciela Brunskole
- Guadalupe Alderete
- Guillermo Romero
- Gustavo Wincalao
- Fairy Eliza Zurita Barona
- Hector D. Paez
- Hector Gualim
- Heriam Dario Alfonso Vilches
- Heriberto Lopez
- Heriberto Orozco Granados
- Ileana Collazo
- Inés Field
- Jaime Lémus
- Jena Love Kumar
- Jhony Vega
- Joaquin pinzon Knight
- Juan Carlos Barahona Ventura
- Juleo Calderon
- Karime Younes
- Larissa Oksman
- Leticia Marotta Ferrari
- Lydia Squarzanti
- Liliana Caroni
- Liliana Gallardo Vallino
- Liliana Saba
- Lucero, Marcela Emerald
- Luis Aresti
- Luis Castillo
- Luis Güicho
- Luis Moreno Sanchez
- Manuel Heredia Vite
- Manuela García Ruiz
- Marcela Fabiana Fernandez
- Maria Zanatta Ferreyros
- María Cristina Azcona
- María del Carmen Barrionuevo
- María del Carmen Solomon
- Mary Delia Lima
- Mary Magdalene Pizzio
- Maria Teresa Brun
- Mariana Sonia Navas
- Marianela Garay Baez
- Marianiela To Alessandroni
- Marielle Soto
- Marisa Aragón Willner
- Martha Quintanilla Velarde
- Maru Chest Logkopag
- Mercedes Silva
- Michael Werner
- Mirta Noemi Praino
- Mirtha Caffe
- Monica Catoira
- Monica Célis
- Monica Fabiola Nolasco Aguilar
- Monica Moon
- Muñoz Nelson Reed
- Nelly Terpin
- Nora Fabbian
- Norma Susana Roberts
- Omar Daniel Brunskole
- Oriana Grillo
- Oscar Ramón Muñoz
- Pamela S Stop Orellana
- Paola Accorinti
- Patxi Xabier Lezama Perier
- Ramona F Mayol
- Raúl Domínguez Serret
- Regina Ortiz
- Renzo Valentino Crastí Pidarello
- Romina Freytes
- Romo Nicks
- Rosa Armijo
- Rossana Münger
- Roxana Rignola
- Salvador Verna
- Sandra Moretti
- Sandra N Melo
- Stella Cantarelli
- Tathyana Aguilar Orozco
- Telma Orozco
- Thomas A. Poblete Barroso
- Tiburcio Marquéz Jeanette
- Tina Valdez
- Tito Edison Sarmiento
- Tomas Andres Pico
- Ton Hoo
- Valeria Garay
- Veronica Padilla
- Voloba Artrec
- Walter Manuel Vallejo
- Wilfrido Andreist
- Wisner Pink
- Xian Art
- Ximena Ruiu
- Xiom
- Xiomara Schneider
- Yi Jun
- Yorleny Vega Cruz
In the next installment, we will give certificates to the writers.
Many Thanks

Activity | Date |
-Launch and early-session | Closed |
-Official launch of the space in the Metaverse | Last July 20 2023 |
-Publication of selected | September 29 2023 |
-Deadline for payment of the participation rights | October 15, 2023 |
-Official opening of the Fair Virtual | December 15 2023 |
-Closure of the Virtual Fair and publication of 100 artists selected for the commercialization of the -NFT and a physical exhibition in New York City | February 15 2024 |
-A physical exhibition in New York next to the prep April In Colors, in El barrio's Artspace in Manhanttan and exposure on the virtual metaverse. | April 05 - 06, month of the arts 2024 |
Important note: Expo Physical and virtual (non-NFT)
*The arstita can participate with a work (the free themes) with its respective frame, ready to hang.
*The dimensions of the piece are a maximum of 32” x 32 “
*Send your CV to the email cambassgallery@gmail.com along with the high resolution photo of the artwork and technical data sheet.
*The work must be in New York most of the day, 04 April 2024 ( shipping cost of work-up and return, shall be borne by the artist).
*You can also participate printed with your work, just send the high resolution picture by e-mail cambassgallery@gmail.com CV and technical sheet of the work.
*Value of participation:
Original work: 150 us dollars
Printed work: 170 usd ( includes print, frame, and glass)
* Maximum payment period: Friday, March 29
* Maximum deadline of submission of information: April 01, 2024
Method of payment: Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Western Union, PayPal or Zelle
VR Cambass Museum in the Spatial Metaverse

The metaverse Spatial is a virtual platform based on the virtual and augmented reality that allows users to interact and collaborate in a shared environment on-line.
Spatial Metaverse provides an immersive experience in which users can create and customize online avatars to represent themselves in the virtual space. Through the devices of virtual reality, or simply using a web browser, users can explore and participate in three-dimensional environments, interact with other users, communicate via voice chat, and collaborate on projects or virtual activities.
This platform promotes the idea of a metaverse in which people can connect and interact in a virtual environment beyond the physical limitations of the real world. Users can participate in virtual events, attend conferences, conduct meetings, work, watch movies, play video games and perform a wide range of social activities and entertainment.
The metaverse Spatial is becoming a space pop-up for the interaction and collaboration online, and is gaining popularity in different fields, from entertainment to education and business collaboration. It offers a new way of connectivity and digital experience that has the potential to change the way we interact and participate in the online world.
The artists will also have the opportunity to interact with virtual visitors, attend special events, and receive feedback from art critics and other media professionals.
Selection of works to exposure to physical and
A group of experts will have the difficult decision of selecting 100 works to transform them in NFT and will have the opportunity to participate in a major exhibition fisica in the city of New York.
- There will be a selection of 20 artists to be linked to Art New York Corporation and Cambass Gallery, which will include the promotion and dissemination of their work at international level and the participation in a great exhibition virtual to promote their works in NFT.
select three featured artists, which they will offer a virtual exhibition individual in the VR Art New York NFT Gallery. (subject to conditions).
Note: Up to this point, you have a right to the payment of the $15 dollars in the virtual fair.
A physical exhibition in New York
As part of recognition for your talent and your participation in the virtual fair, the 100 selected artists will have the opportunity to participate in an outstanding a physical exhibition in New York city.
Will be selected in the same way to 100 of writers with his book to engage with his work in this great showcase of the world with the support of large institutions, corporations and associations of literature and journalism of the united States.
This physical exhibition will be held at El barrio's Artspace April 05 minutes curatorial mounting with the artists and the works and April 06, 2024 grand opening from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.
and the works in NFT, will be marketed in the virtual market of digital art and the writers selected to show the world his literary work.
Marketing NFT:
NFT generated from the selected works will be offered for sale on our virtual marketplace exclusive for buyers and traders of digital art NFT.
The transactions will generate commissions, of which 40% will go to the organization of the event, and the remaining 60% is given to the artist, after deducting transaction costs.
To participate in this exhibition, physical, for artists and writers, it will require the payment of an additional fee of $150 for each work and writer selected.
This fee will include:
– Right of participation in the physical event in the city of New York.
– Right of commercialization of the work in NFT and books writers.
– High quality print on canvas of the work selected for visual artists.
– International certificate of participation.
Note: The work NFT must be in printed format, since that transform it to this digital format is to generate some changes in the image, to make it more competitive among the NFT already existing in the market.
The normal price of participation in the exhibition face to face in New York city, to artists who don't participateorn in the International Art Fair Metaverse 2023, is $350.
Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting event art in the metaverse! Send your images and register today for the International Fair Art Metaverse 2023. Explore new frontiers and share your creativity with the world.
Sacale provecho the maximum display your art in a virtual environment innovative, connect with a global audience, and potentially form part of a physical exhibition in New York.

- 84 countries
- 2400 cities
- More than 2000 artists participating in our platform